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Everything posted by Kithunter

  1. Gracias amino, I had the studio shots of the sculpt as references. I still have them on a hard drive ill try and dig them up and post here.
  2. Now thats a collection for the ages... How many pieces do you have total?
  3. Only 3 made all 3 are accounted for... but ya never know what could pop up..
  4. Kithunter


    It is... he was on set when they shot that scene... there is another photo of him standing in the middle of the guys
  5. Back in the early days of the lair ... many young spfx artists were caught up in the pred fever. One amazing young artist named Peter Murphy came on to the Lair scene and blew everyone away with his works. I developed a friendship with him, he approached me to ask what predator piece he should try.. he had already done a predator 1 a few years earlier.. Over the course of a month discussed and I shared whatever studio images I could give along with high res images from the film. Only 3 were made, to small to wear 1 for him ..1 for Larry kidd, 1 for me .. I asked Larry to paint mine and I finished the detailing.. Every piece has a story behind it..thats the history of this piece... enjoy Peter went on to work in film and is still sculpting.
  6. Back in the day I didn't have access to all the goodies we now have to build so I had to find what I could on a budget.. Came across this insta mold stuff at micheals craft store and I had the idea instead of using resin use hot glue to fill the one sided mold. Insta mold is safe and can be used to do a few castings before it dries out and shrinks..which is cool too but has a limited life span... Anyhew here it goes.. I remember the process because I developed it through many burns and trail and error. Some use a pot to heat down the glue I used an industrial glue gun. 1st step... sculpt your piece... one sided works best.. Turn on glue gun have about 5 or 6 glue sticks ready 2nd create a casting box for your molding and pour instamold inside. Bout 5-10 minutes pop out your piece and let it cool down ..dont put into a fridge, it will crack. Last step is to weather and paint and strap up with extra pieces of leather Durable, much stronger than rubber and won't crack like resin..But could snap in super cold temps... cost like 20 bucks in supplies. Enjoy the pics
  7. This morning... I saw it when I walked past my suit... lol According to the maker its long gone.
  8. Still such an amazing piece...
  9. Insane detail...damn bro its been a minute since I've seen your collection.. So badass
  10. This expanded what we thought could be done.. Ahead of his time..
  11. Man would I love a new pull from that bad boy.. It has become...."Lost".
  12. Good to see you man...truly. You set me on my path a lifetime ago... you sold me my very 1st bio... it was the coolest thing I had ever gotten in my life at that point.. this is cool to you are still around making cool shit!!.
  13. This place is special like that... wait till the chop busting happens.. Its legendary...
  14. Damn ...dude how you been?.. so glad to see you still remember the lair and popped back in.. Passing the torch!
  15. Obrigado Welcome brazil!!!... glad you are still in the game.. Nice suit
  16. Now it went old school...skunkworks in the house!!! Hi paul welcome.
  17. Everything starts at the bio. It can tell the entire story of a predator just by its paint.. Here are some bios members have made.. This is just is sample
  18. To see how the legendary boar came to be is awesome. So many around the world call it that without knowing it was your creation. Even guys like Wyatt who play that in the film goes around doing signings with that bio on display and he calls himself the boar... Way to go gene my hunting buddy.. 🤣
  19. I remember using this tutorial..I do have the big frankenstein feet... But this gave me the height I needed to pull off a stance... Thanks drew
  20. They questioned and debated if this could or had ever been done. The silicone wolf proved it could be. I remember you sculpting this and the determination you had to make it real. This elevated the game to new possibilities. Badass brother...
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