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Lowdmekon last won the day on September 11 2022

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  1. Looking at Bonegrills blade gauntlet. It looks to be a wolf !! Whaja reckon ? I’m creating him in Neca size figs.
  2. Lowdmekon


    Found my answer dooode a P1 shoulder
  3. Is big red the same or does he have a P1 shoulder ?
  4. I soooooo can’t wait to see you in this Dooooooooooode
  5. Is it wrong to be at half mast 😂😂😂
  6. All I can say is YEEEEEEEEESS ! more PRED on a TV/Cinema/whatever ! Male/Female the new PRED looks stacked !
  7. I remember watching these vids back in the day fella !! J is must have studied you guys suit up a million times. To see how it all goes together prior to building mine .
  8. Hi All, I’m building a custom figure and wondered if anyone had any crystal clear images of Lex ? I’ve tried on the film to pause it bud I need like a 360 of her or her costume. Any help would be great. I’ve trolled throu Google. I’ve got a handful of images but not the shots I’m after. Maybe someone has unseen promo pics or anything. Cheers All if this is in the wrong section I’m sorry.
  9. He looks PISSED !!! Deffo not to mess with !! Crackin bud ! & I love the statue your basing him on
  10. THATS AWESOMESAUCE !! Yeah kinda the look I’m gonna go for ! Those flex suits look cracking. & I’m sure I’ve seen em in different sizes all the way to Hulk. This is what I used for Bats
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