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  1. I have been working on a film that requires animated 3D models of cars driving on the road. These would be integrated into shots that have real world counterparts to these specific cars. Is there anyone out there who does this kind of thing, or do you know someone who might? I did have a guy who was able to edit Beam NG and create some scenes for me, but was unable to import specific car models (which I have). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Folks - I'm as excited for another Predator film as anyone, but ---I think this thing is going to be another woke shit-show. Two reasons - no theatrical release (dead giveaway) and what I just read in a screen rant article about the film: "New plot details from Production Weekly via (AVP Galaxy) reveal more information on the main character and the movie's filming date. According to the report, Predator 5 will focus on a character named Kee and her younger brother Taabe. Kee is described as a tomboy, who fights against gender norms to prove that she can be just as strong as any male Comanche warrior.” Nothing against strong female leads, but Hollywood just can't stop subverting our favorite franchises into vehicles for liberal ideology. Here's an idea - why not focus on the predators for a change? Here's the article: https://screenrant.com/predator-5-movie-story-details-reveal-comanche-tribe/
  3. Gene, try using a crock pot on low to heat your clay instead of the bread oven
  4. This was the "Predator invasion" at the DCU Center in Worcester Ma in 2011. Lance Henriksen loved the suits as well as Gary Busey. Derek Mears was also there and signed the Lair banner. Part 1: Part 2:
  5. Sorry, but I ain't feelin' it. An advanced species like Predator going after people who are still using primitive weapons seems ridiculous to me. I don't care if they've been on earth a long time. Looking at the guy in the fur suit, I'm wondering if the only challenging prey to fight against are bears. 😕
  6. Yes, the You Tube video above with the blue cannon arm shows my cannon and backpack. Animatronic credit goes to Honus who has yet to re-up with the new Lair. The video shows testing of the unit we used for the multi-Lair member suit we built for the 2013 Monsterpalooza for Jamie Hall. As soon as my film (non predator related) is finished this summer, I will finish the backpack cannon and medkit. My first output was ripped apart by several folks on the old Lair, so I scrapped the project.
  7. Gene is correct. The first iteration was very difficult. I believe the bugs may have been worked out by now. More to come on this....
  8. I thought I'd never see this place again. Other Predator forums have come and gone, but THIS is THE quintessential Predator forum, rising like a phoenix once again. Big thank you to Andrew and others involved for doing this. I haven't done anything Predator in such a long time. You guys have inspired me - again. I've missed all of you, and it feels a little surreal to see familiar names and faces coming together once again. Looking forward to new possibilities and creativity on the one and only Hunter's Lair!
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