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oooICEMANooo last won the day on March 27

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About oooICEMANooo

  • Birthday 03/14/1984

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  1. This turned out quite amazing; awesome read... Thank you for posting this up.
  2. Let me see if can get some help
  3. So few have asked how I hang my Bio Helmets on the wall; Well here's a small tutorial on how I do it. Supplies can be bought a Home depot or Lowe's. Now the Insta-set I've purchased it on Amazon but I've also found it at Hobby Lobby and Warhammer shops. It's best to work on one side at a time Once everything is cured you can hang it up. I use decorative hanging hooks; they seem more sturdy. Few helmets I own have been hanging for Years done this way. Not recommended for HCG Helmets or Sideshow helmets <weight>
  4. Here's @MeanGene Feral Bio helmet fully 100% ready go. I was able paint the small details on the crown today. Hope you enjoy....
  5. Amazing stuff my friend; I like how you blended the colors together very well. I dig it!
  6. That water weld epoxy, I've had good experiences with it. Used it for many other projects other then helmets. I used that Apoxie sculpt one time, and that didn't hold up.
  7. So here's the paint matched and sealed up: can't tell it was damaged. I'll have a video posted up also shortly....
  8. So here's a Gort I finished for Jann few months ago. He received it damaged apparently; USPS played hockey with the package. In doing this, one of the top fins broke off and took some of the paint with it. So here's repair work I did and repainted that area. So if you ask why I didn't sand down the area where I joined fin back to the helmet? Well kinda wanted a remembrance and kind of looks a weld. I joined both pieces with Glue and under I put down a some fiberglass and built small area back with epoxy putty.
  9. Really dig that bone jaw you added. It brings out the helmet more. @JANNELDERPREDATOR check this out
  10. The process of a good copper shine is copy the process on how you paint chrome. Base: black and gloss the helmet out the ass. Then mist the copper on the get the good reflected look, Base: black, then seal the black in high gloss several times. Then mist the copper over to get that mirror look. Mist several copper colors to create layers then you can go down and dry brush some other colors
  11. I haven't found the right technique yet painting p2 helmets. P2 is my least favorite helmet to paint, for right now though. But what helped me is, paint whole helmet in a good shiny copper and lay on the patinas. Like start with copper, browns, rust then go with the greens. Google some pictures of copper, some pictures show what copper does in the elements. Some show other colors depending on what the environment the copper is in.
  12. Very Nice! Very Nice! I need get work on the suit I have here for display. I do really dig the mix you got going on.
  13. I do believe the Gallery has some good reference and we still been adding. I will be following your thread, looking forward on seeing updates. When I do get a chance I'm jumping back in and finish finding all the tools for the p1 med kit. The tools found in past are I think incorrect, or just a few of them.
  14. That came out BADASS! very, Very nice job,
  15. Looking forward to seeing the 2.0 steel blades.
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