Hey Gene, I made a custom Armature for that one I took the top half of a male mannequin and took the hooks for the arms and glued them inside of some 2-in PVC pipe with a couple elbows for the bend at the elbow so it would hold it out like that and screwed it to a 2x4 platform with a plywood base. Put one arm on so I can slide it up and then stuck the other arm in with the back of the suit open and clipped it into the socket and velcro the back of the suit up so I could paint it. The second one I had a flexible torso where the arms were bendable and made of a fabric. I wish I never sold that one some guy used it for a Star Wars display. The legs I basically did the same thing some PVC pipe I still have that and then I just stuffed it with plastic bags I'll have to look and see if I can find any pictures of that that was a long time ago.