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Kithunter last won the day on December 2 2023

Kithunter had the most liked content!

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  1. So much is owed to him and his visioni had a chance to meet Matt and tell him what his dad ment to me. Love the winstons..
  2. Ok 1st badass looking pred. 2nd want one lol... the details on that is just so 9n point
  3. Hey killer... not an expert as far as knowing what out there now... the orignals and stunts from what I recall were 2 separate molds.. I have a stunt pull that was around like 20yrs ago... still have it.. Its warped but that was one of the "tells" back in the day.. Hope that answers ya questions
  4. This is it, man the holy grail of pred heads.. It landed in good hands. Will be following this all winters long
  5. That is a beautiful piece. , so well displayed The Perfect bio.
  6. Nada... no idea..not much in the photo to give information
  7. Going ivory black for base color..
  8. Not to much bro been focused on the helmet... Waiting to get more done to post a thread..
  9. Great hunter chris... you know your shit bro...
  10. Not sure about this...
  11. I had an idea to try and cnc a blade pics that follow show how I made it...
  12. This what its all about gene... so amazing to see robs work come to life!!!!.
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