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Everything posted by OzzyHuntress

  1. Indeed it dose. Nature is the best.
  2. Damn, that is badass. I like it very much with the skin and details.
  3. The coconut crab is native to Australia, my country. That design is fantastic, looks like an Australian predator like me. You did amazing on it.
  4. So that’s the step by step on how to make a head, that is wicked.
  5. Wow. These suit designs are just mind blowing, great detail, colour, build. when you are a true fan, this is the way to show off your passion for predator.
  6. Such a cool design. Love the red.
  7. That’s is one awesome suit. You did amazing with it.
  8. It’s plastic all over. It’s light and easy to wear. I painted it traditional dirty silver and then added on the native paint. I love the history and culture, so I wanted to be the first huntress that’s from or based off the Native American culture.
  9. All three are amazing. My favourite personally is the collector.
  10. Wow. I never thought to have a head for mine. But someone making one for me is really sweet. When I see it, I’ll thank them a million.
  11. What. You mean my mask, he made a head to fit mine. Is that what you are telling me.
  12. That’s awesome. Thanks. they are very well made and painted.
  13. Theses predator heads looks like the one JANNELDERPREDATOR has. from seeing his old convention photos, they look exactly like his ones. did you make them for him or did he buy them from you. Just curios.
  14. Thank you. I’m still trying to creat a story about how she came to be.
  15. The elder predator is one of the best out there. Tells a lot in the history of visiting earth centuries ago. And also making a lot of awesome history.
  16. And that was the same process I went through, I bought most of it first then did some of my own work for it.
  17. You did a fantastic job. And now you have one of the best predator suits out there.
  18. I’ll accept it. Can’t wait to watch it. don’t know how, because it’s restricted here. I’ll find a way.
  19. I don’t mind Disney. But I also understand what movie companies go through when developing new sequels or prequels to a franchise. My concern is I hope Disney can save the best movie Icons out there.
  20. I like how behind the scenes tells the story of how they creat such a masterpiece.
  21. This is the complete set of my huntress armour. I bought them months apart from different countries, some are from the same guy. When receiving them I’ve had to cut them to size to fit me, originally they are made for mens adult size. after a while I decided to paint them Native American style war paint, I like the culture so I made my huntress appearance more like them.
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