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Everything posted by MeanGene

  1. The sculpture is finally getting molded today. Smooth on mold max STROKE. 1 Gallon kit. Between coats of silicone I am tearing into a Stealth bio. Removing the fins and going custom. Will post some of the progress etc on a new thread.
  2. @Ptgreek Have any advice for this kind fellow? George, tagged above works with silicone every day. He can educate you.
  3. This poster offering is not from myself. The poster was reworked in Photoshop and made available online for purchase. You can then print it in any size you see desire. See original post here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1599178600107931/permalink/24064515969814207/ It's a GREAT poster. I own a small and large version. Makes a nice backdrop to my statue.
  4. Great work! Feral looks awesome as well. You have special talent.
  5. Today we honor Stan Winston. 15 years ago we lost one of the greats. Responsible for some many amazing movie monsters that greatly influenced my life. We have much to be thankful for. His legacy lives on at the Stan Winston School of Characters Arts. Thank you Stan.
  6. That looks so good! Looks just like the movie head. Great work Forgive my ignorance. Can this 3D model be printed in larger scales? As long as you had a large enough printer?
  7. I got the feeling from your paintwork that it was some kind of ancient pottery look. You did a great job painting that on there. The added details are nice as well. Very creative and outside the box thinking. 👍
  8. Thanks for confirming what I experienced. It was maddening. Lesson learned. But also a positive.. if I want a cracked earth bio "look" all I have to do is use that filler. Next time. Gonna use traditional Bondo. Just hate the stink of it. Do you have pics of the cracking on your bio?
  9. Thanks Chris, I look forward to you putting your spin on it. I'll keep you in the loop when I do a run. Going to have my way with this around the block a few times before I sell any copies. 👍👍
  10. Great work as always Chris. Always trying something new and working on your craft. It's awesome to see. Thanks for posting. Keep us updated on the new build
  11. Welcome. We are glad to have you. Be sure to browse our image gallery. Lots of good reference pictures and eye candy. Be sure to join our FB community page as well. 👍👍
  12. Woke up early to make the clay wall for molding. Will be used mold max STROKE from smooth on. Clay is Chavant sculpted soft. Had it laying around. Comes in flat bars ready made for the mold wall. Works well. Sulphur free so won't inhibit the silicone etc... Mother mold jacket will be made from plaster bandages. They are cheap, easily acquired and hold strong. Had good experience with them last go around, worked out well on my Shinto Bio mold. Teeth and tusks will be molded separately. Will prep those next. Thanks for looking. 👍
  13. It's all done. Not sure how many hours it took, but I am glad it's done. On to the next phase. Prepping it for silicone molding. Will mold the faceless P1 head at the same time. Trying to optimize the use of silicone. Enjoy the pics. All thanks to Rob Clark for the inspiration. Without his design and creativity this would t have been possible. PXL_20230604_160935615.mp4
  14. Pic dump. PXL_20230517_123008906.mp4 Almost done!
  15. This is gonna be amazing to see finish. The level of detail is amazing. Great work 👍👍 Thanks for posting.
  16. This is Patrick Maybe he knows?
  17. Patrick Predator might be another person to ask. He has a massive collection of screen used items. He may know the story or location of the helmet you seek.
  18. Looking great! How does the battle with making them from actual steel? Last week spoke you were sourcing a cnc or?
  19. Awesome! You've been working hard on your suit. Enjoy and have fun. Denver is a bit of a hike for me from Boston. 😉 But the Lair is behind you. Take lots of pics. Be sure to share them.
  20. I am very close to the end on this. Just working on the inner mouth and right upper mandible. Symmetry. It's a bitch.
  21. Love it! Keep creating. Sounds like you are trying to push your skill set to the next level. I respect that. Keep us updated. Looking forward to seeing a finish print. 👍👍
  22. This looks great. The only critique I would give is the eyes. What I loved about the movie mask was the eyes were sunk and looked grumpy. This angle from the movie was always my favorite. Also, if you look at some of the pictures with Matt Rose working on the heads in the trailer. The dreds are swept back in a deliberate way at what seems like a short length. What is the final goal? Print a bunch of heads for sale?
  23. No problem. Keep in mind the stunt bio has been recast so many times. Your helmet may be undersized. As for the pic you posted. I believe that is the one. Not sure who owns it. Smarter people than me may know. @Kithunter any ideas where the original city hunter bio is?
  24. The original bio is in a collection somewhere. In our Gallery section there are all kinds of Images. Take a peek. I have what is commonly referred to as a stunt version in my collection. I can take some measurements if that is helpful. What is your plan? To sculpt the helmet from clay?
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