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Everything posted by Vikterium

  1. Hello everyone! My name is Victor and I've been a Predator fan since my childhood, and since I was 10 years old, having a Predator costume was one of my main dreams. I am from Brazil so we don't really have a big community focused on monster lovers, so I started researching international forums at the time and found the original "The Hunter's Lair", and for my surprise, there were lots of content about making your own Predator suit and specific instructions which were very helpful. For years I kept those topics on my favorite pages of my web browser (And they're still there xD) and when I was 16, I became a cosplayer, which helped me to understand what materials I could use to craft a Predator suit, and also introduced me to people who had made a Predator costume too! And finally, when I was 20, I was able to successfully craft my Predator costume, using the Mr Incredible tutorial, and doing most of the work by myself, including sculpting, casting, and painting the mask, which was my first latex mask ever! Nowadays I'm a little less into costume making, but I still want to make a 2.0 version of my Jungle Hunter, or even craft an original design! I am really happy to see this forum coming back to life! 😊
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